SCC Outreach Some of the Outreach & Ministries of our Small Church Communities
Thanksgiving baskets for the poor in our area
supporting children organizations with a Mother’s Day collection for unwed mothers
Habitat for Humanity
Miracle box holding prayer petitions for others
Adopting a family for Christmas
Jacob’s ladder – putting boxes together for Service people
Supermarket gift cards for poor who come into Outreach
Read work of confirmation candidates & sent cards & prayers
Donate Chinese Auction gifts & baskets
Collect and assembled ingredients for Seder plates for Holy Thursday Family Celebration.
Writing to politicians and stating their views on justice issues
Visiting social justice web sites to learn about upcoming issues
Click on , etc.
Purchase 300 Club tickets as group and individual
Bookbags filled with school supplies for homeless children
Baby clothes for clinic serving low income newborn
Adopted a child from Save the Children
Many people have joined ministries (sharing faith leads you to new arenas): consolation, bereavement, social justice, counters, WebShepherds, bibs for baptism, meals on wheels, Eucharistic Ministers
Make an offering to pay for the bread and wine for a weekend at Good Shepherd.
Save & Collect up any change we find and make a contribution to Christa House.
Make contributions to the food pantry.
Make contributions to the Peanut Butter and Jelly gang.
Adopted a Native American child in North Dakota, through the Christian Children’s Fund;
One SCC annually contributes between $300 and $500 to outreach
Work in soup kitchen
Christmas gifts for the needy at the adult home
Future Actions Suggested:
New desire was voiced by someone to do more outside of supporting each other.
Each SCC offer breakfast once a month to talk about small church
Learn the facts about social justice issues
Memorial for Al Curry, our maintenance man who died after many years of service to GS
Acknowledge the years of service of Betty through a card and gift.
Continue to respond to the needs of Good Shepherd
Continue to support each other in any way possible